Senior Session

Senior photos at the beach! Yes, please.

This senior session was so much fun! I'm so thankful Kira's family vacationed with us this summer and I was able to do senior photos at the beach. Aren't they all beautiful?!

Kira is my cousins daughter. Her mom and I grew up together and were super close. We have the best childhood memories! We were pregnant with our first babies, both girls, and due within just a days of each other. Although we live 650 miles apart we have made sure our girls are close. We visit my hometown of Berlin, PA several times a year and they visit us in Nashville every couple of years. Kira and Marlie first met when Marlie was 6 weeks old and Kira was about 8.5 weeks old. They were best friends from the start. Kira and Marlie pick up right where they left off every time they see each other. I had so much fun walking down memory lane while I dug through my archives to find some of my favorite photos from the last 17 years. So many amazing memories for these girls. Between our two families, we have 5 girls and they have the absolute best times together. It's so hard to believe Kira is a senior!!

Grab some tissues as you scroll through Kira's senior photos and 17 years of memories with her.

"A Cousin is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost." - Marion C. Garretty